Friday, September 15, 2017

MB Star C3 092015 Xentry cannot work on W204

Mb Star C3 Star diagnostic system failed to work on Mercedes W204? Here is the customer solution. You are at your risk!
I have DELL D630 with Xentry 09/2015 and MB Star C3 multiplexer. I have connected many cars (W202, W203, W210, W211, W245, etc) and there is no problem with connection – everything is working like a charm. Some days ago, I have bought W204 C280 from 2007. After I choose model, engine and transmission, and I go to diagnostic I see this:
“The diagnosis application is being started…”
and few seconds later this:
“Initialization of the multiplexer has failed”
My Mux is not compatible with W204? I searched few hours without success.
Customer solution:
W204 and X204 is the last Mercedes models which working without some special modifications.
You can try:
First try in toolkit.ini delete line skipcomports=all and set line usecomport=2 then you will see in SDconnect toolkit PartD on display after mux connection.
First save your original file for sure.
Try look into C:\Userdata\Config\Xentry\driver – slave.ini and set there com port which you have used for PartD.
There was no change because I didn’t restarted system. After restart work perfect.
Your solution work perfectly! Probem solved. Everything is working like a charm. solution:
If you need to deal with newer Mercedes models, better go for MB SD Connect Compact 4 or Mercedes BENZ C5 diagnostic system.

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