Imagine starting your day early and you are bright, the car
inspection day is here and the family ids accompanying you. Your
daughter had informed you of the occurrence of the check engine light
and you feel some sense of worry. The worry is partly due to the fact
that your daughter has informed you of the state of gas in the car
cylinder which has quite a little amount of gas.
Car broken
The fact that the engine light warning is not caused by the gas
situation is one thing you make sure of. However, the gas is to be
filled before going into the line for inspection. Sadly as it is, your
car does not get to pass the inspection test with a full tank!
Though this comes with just the basic knowledge in OBD II scan tool
use, which you are bound to learn from this write up, you can definitely
use your tools to diagnose the trouble code on your car. So you can
explore more and find out the step by step method.
Step 1: OBD II scan tool use
Since 1994, the second generation onboard diagnostic system
OBD II Scanner
has been used to replace the OBD I. It is the modern model which is
mandated through the widespread industry regulation .the inability of
this method to give trouble code scan results through blinks on the
malfunction indicator light as it used to be in the former method of do
it yourself (DIY) methodology, has been noted to be its greatest
ELM327 OBDII OBD2 Bluetooth Car Diagnostic Interface Scanner
The OBD 2 scan tool
Initially the minimum you could spend when you visited a mechanic
shop could be estimated to hundreds of dollars. However, learning to do
it yourself could save a lot of money and time. An OBD II scan tool is
definitely what you will need despite most people not having it on their
The failure of the vehicle to pass an emission scan test should not
be surprising, especially when the check the engine light persists. The
significant effect to the vehicle emission is likely one of the reasons
which may be causing the reappearance of the check engine light. Because
of its ability to be able to detect other problems which may not be
related to the check engine light is one reason why the
Car Scanner is very important.
For some number of drive cycles, there is usually a likelihood that
the trouble code remains within the engine computer memory, thus causing
the check engine light to com re on and off even after performance of
the trouble codes repair. The problem could have been even the signal
for evaporative emission caused by the failure by your daughter to
tighten the gas cap. When you switch on your car the next time, the code
may go off probably after the system erases the trouble code from its
memory. However, immediate erasing is possible by using a scan tool.
The scan tool is the best way to help erase the trouble codes,
especially taking into account the several trouble codes likely to be
coded with the many problems noted. The computer monitoring system is
also usually erased when the scan tool is used or a battery is
disconnected. The cause of car inspection failure is likely caused by
taking the car before the driver achieves enough drive cycles necessary
for one scan session.
The work of an OBD 2 tester is not only work to show you where the
most complicated problems are found but also the simplest issues to do
with your engine. What the technician could be looking for therefore
will be within your knowledge.
Step 2: Code deciphering process
There are signals like the switch position ,calculated load value,
air flow sensors, throttle position, barometer readings, mass air flow,
the fuel injection calibrations, ignition timings typical RPM, and the
several engine operating data which are usually read using an
Auto code reader.
In some cases, when a trouble hiccup occurs during the drive, the
capture mode within the OBD II allows for snapshot picture taking of the
sensors for precision.
Step 3: Perform a sensor scan
The check engine light does not need to be triggered by certain
trouble code that you are likely to detect with an improved scan
process. The presence on the modern car model of the generic code PO713
can be an example of such codes recently discovered. It is usually
called the high input or the transmission fluid temperature sensor
circuit. The quick and complete failure of the transmission could be
caused by the state of the transmission fluid running hot.
Check troble code step 3
Perform a sensor scan
With enhanced diagnostics,
Chip Tuning Tools
can save you a lot of worry and effort. As we did, you can also trouble
shoot from the driver’s seat. With a simple push on the tester button,
we managed to clear the trouble codes. However on recheck, the code was
quickly back. With a reading of 131 Fahrenheit, a rather normal
transmission temperature reading, we cleared looking at it again.
Sadly, a bad connection in the sensor circuit was the problem. A
defective error was what we discovered arising from the physical damage
to wiring despite the wiring being good, was what we discovered on
further pocking around.
Step 4: Choices of the scan tools
An OBD 2 is what you have if you have the latest car model. Though it
may be generic and having several wires to connect, it does not mean it
has to work with your car. The ones which may require software upgrade
are usually the European latest models made in 1998 onwards. A case by
case investigation can help unravel how the problematic Korean cars
The newest European models are hard to use with the upgraded OTC mind
reader with chip for OBD I despite working well with Japanese and other
older European cars in helping read generic OBD II domestic codes.
In the same vain as if buying a new OBD II model, the Actron scan
tool for OBD I that has a plug in cartridge is easily upgradable to work
like the OTC mind reader.
Best actron scan tool- Actron 9580A
A programmable scan tool is produced by the Auto X-ray. With more
tools on the way, the Chrysler command tests is one of the tools among
the several tools we have to date tested that cover generic OBD II
models which is also inclusive of the European codes. The internet will
be the point of the software sale. Via a cable which is usually
accompanying it at purchase, saving the scan tool software on your
personal computer will be possible to the user after adown load.
Through the latest scan tool models, upgrading Auto X-ray scan tool
coverage of the OBD I from one make to the next can be done
electronically. It is just a matter of waiting before this scan tool
which the professionals have had on their tools. Via the internet,
Auto Immo Reader and new cartridges, the upgrading of other scan tools to enhanced status and even better is quite possible.
With read codes and code erase function, the simple Actron CP9087 is
the topmost scanner among the numerous OBD II scan tools from the Actron
line. With this, you either get other code readings or nothing. A back
probe adapter with a thin curved metal terminal is some of the
connection points that come with this low cost device. For a test
connection, a wiring terminal is what is used to make the probe to be
left to slip through a water sealed connector.
OBD II has had an off warranty system through the several years
running to six full years when vehicles have been using this system.
Basic introduction is what has been given to you because OBD II is a
complex system. Logging codes and getting trouble codes has never gotten
better with the OBD power train computer. Without a hook up, this
computer will sadly tell you nothing.
Step 5: The data transmission system by the OBD II
With safety systems, suspension, transmission, air conditioning
antilock brakes controls which are usually connected to other computers,
sensors and switches which are known to circulate information are part
of the heart of the modern vehicle’s communication s network within then
modern power train computer system.
The data transmission system by the OBD II
The data transmission system by the OBD II
The technician has to evaluate the available information coming from
the computer power train system given the fact that this is what is in
charge of the whole system affecting the engine emissions. Though fewer
live terminals, ranging to half a dozen are available, a 16 terminal
diagnostic connector is the wire channel through which the information
The protocol’s use call on the manufacturers to program scan tool to
be able to read the given codes. This is because of lack of uniformity
in the coding process. The problem arising with the modern European cars
like cardiac arise from the lack of standardization, though efforts are
being made to have one transmission protocol.
The four different types of data transmission enhance stuff versions
including other pins made with manufacturer specific data readings like
the vehicle diagnostic system are some of the known stand- and –data
pins in a standard connector.
Compatibility issues of the
Launch X431
are however not sorted by the plug and play notion as witnessed by
those who have this household PC based system. It is sad that when
expected to, some of the European and Korean cars usually don’t always
work when needed to. The manufacturer websites are to be checked to know
how to tell that you have the current scan tool.